
  /    /  SINGLE, WEBSITE MODULE  /  WordPress + eCommerce Masterclass (E3 BSBEBU401)

WordPress + eCommerce Masterclass (E3 BSBEBU401)


Your students will learn how to develop and maintain a WordPress + Woo-Commerce website and how to rectify faults and make improvements to a Wordpress website in response to user feedback. This Masterclass will provide students with a clear understanding of how to add new products to a website and how to remove redundant pages and links.

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This lesson is part of a more comprehensive unit that describes the skills and knowledge required to undertake data analysis, review website content, and develop, update and maintain a website. It applies to individuals who have knowledge of the relationship between a website and the core functions of a new business. The lesson will complement your working knowledge and skills to perform basic updates to your website content.