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Digital Technology Vendors SOD Recommends (E4 BSBITS411)


This lesson will take help to identify available and upcoming digital technology solutions that will be critical to growing your business. Assess existing digital technologies against newly available and upcoming digital technology solutions to determine future needs, opportunities, and priorities Identify and select new digital technologies to achieve and maintain continuous organisational development in line with organisational strategies. Develop and implement improved digital technology systems based on feedback from clients and colleagues, in line with organisational policies and requirements. Obtain management and budget approval for new selected technologies

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This lesson is one of the fourth components of a more comprehensive module that describes the skills and knowledge required to maintain the effectiveness of digital technology in the workplace. It includes maintaining existing technology, planning for future technology requirements, and identifying opportunities to improve workplace effectiveness and efficiency by introducing new digital technologies. It applies to individuals with a broad knowledge of digital business technologies who may be required to contribute well-developed skills in creating solutions to maintenance and upgrade issues with existing digital technology. They may have the responsibility to provide guidance or to delegate aspects of these tasks to others.


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